Chilcot Enquiry

3792 days ago

Tony Blair and Iraq: ever more blood on his hands

We still have not seen the Chilcot enquiry into Iraq. It is still being suppressed as the folks in power work out how to spare the blushes of many, principally the man who led us into this war, Tony Blair.

Blair’s excuse for war was that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction which needed to be destroyed. That was, of course, a lie. And Blair knew that it was a lie yet he repeated that lie to the House of Commons and to his people to get away with starting an illegal war. For that he deserves to be put on trial for war crimes. If only to deter future British PMs from making the same cardinal blunder but also because justice demands that Blair stands trial.

Those folks who seek to defend Blair will these days say “The WMD issue is blurred but Blair is justified at least in moral terms because he got rid of an evil regime.”

The WMD issue is not blurred it is clear cut. Blair lied and that makes the war illegal. But was it moral? 

The late Saddam Hussein was a wicked man. There is evidence that he tortured and killed his own people but on a relatively minor scale. More seriously he clearly did use chemical weapons against the Kurds. His genocide against the Marsh Arabs in the early 1980s was obscene but the West never mentions that one because Saddam was on our side then (against Iran) and we gave him the weapons and turned a very obvious blind eye.

So Saddam will not be sitting at the right hand of Nelson Mandela, ooops I meant Jesus, as of now. But what have we replaced the Saddamites with?


3806 days ago

Tony Blair not shagging Wendi Deng, the ex-Mrs Murdoch – quote of the century

I was way ahead of the curve in reporting that Tony Blair had NOT been shagging Wendi Deng, the ex Mrs of Rupert Murdoch. We did this way back in June HERE

But it seems that the Nationals are NOW busy reporting the numerous times that the old war criminal stayed chez Wendi but clearly did not shag her. Hell’s teeth! If one was married to a sex kitten, the bolshie bombshell, Cherie why on earth would any man stray?

Blair is apparently having a bit of a tough time as he tries to get certain elements of the Chilcot enquiry into the Iraq war suppressed.

Apparently the old War Criminal reckons that this might show that he told a pack of lies.  And it is in this vein that I bring you the quote of the Century from today’s Mail:

Several of Mr Blair’s close friends have asked him directly if he had an affair with Ms Deng. He has vehemently denied it to all of them.

One of those who challenged him said: ‘I believe Tony. He would never do such a thing and he is not a liar.’


Well that settles that then… 
